Thought Wheel

Ann Chiappetta

What’s Annie Been Up To?

| Filed under Relationships

From  the Annie Shares News Issue 11 November 2021 email newsletter



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Hello readers, welcome to the November newsletter. Here in New York the lower Hudson is cooling off and we will once again experience      winter’s cold breaths. I find winter to be a time of renewal and creatively rewarding.

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Even though it’s getting colder, why not warm yourselves by listening to a guest podcast with host Princess Diva   from Trinidad and Tobago. I read two of my newest poems and one from my first collection, Upwelling.  Thanks goes out to author, Amy Bovaird for the connection. Inspirational moments with Ann Chiappetta author:

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On behalf of disability awareness month, I also want to share two business and social related blog resources with articles posted by my talented colleagues:

Outlook Business Solutions and Outlook Enrichment

And to bring it home to how we celebrated White Cane Safety/Blind Americans Equality Day, recognized on October 15, check out this video:



Until next month, Dreya the book dragon and I send you and your loved ones thoughts of kindness and creativity.

Annie and April standing in our lobby prior to  mother daughter date night. We are both smiling into the camera.

Annie andApril standing for selfi before mother and daughter date night.