Hi all –
My third book, Words of Life: Poems and Essays C 2019 has been added to Bookshare:
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| Filed under nonfiction Poem writing
| Filed under nonfiction Poem writing
| Filed under nonfiction Poem recovering the self writing
Thanks to fellow editor and writer, Ernest Dempsey, I am sharing my first book review. I am so excited to be one of the many talented writers who benefits from and contributes to the Recovering the Self blog and content. Check it out:
| Filed under Poem
Like so many others, I’ve struggled with my personal feelings and political alignments during the most recent presidency. Rather than say anything I would later regret, I am going to quote someone else’s words. Here it goes:
“High though his titles, proud his name, / Boundless his wealth as wish can claim; / Despite those titles, power, and pelf, / The wretch, concentred all in self, / Living, shall forfeit fair renown, / And, doubly dying, shall go down / To the vile dust from whence he sprung, / Unwept, unhonour’d, and unsung.” -Walter Scott, novelist and poet (15 Aug 1771-1832)
| Filed under nonfiction recovering the self writing