Thought Wheel

Ann Chiappetta

August Newsletter V 2.8

| Filed under blindness nonfiction Poem

Annie Shares News volume 3 Issue 8 August 2024


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🌻  🌄  🌅  🌆

I love this time of year, late summer is peaceful and productive for me. Pittsburgh, what I now call PGH, is filled with street fairs, farmer’s markets, and indoor and outdoor performances. What a great city. It is packed with historic locations, museums and sports arenas. I also heard a rumor PGH International airport will be adding a direct flight to Ireland. I hope it happens soon, I will be on a flight to the Emerald Isle as soon as possible. ✈️☘️


As you know, I am a poet and I am also a lifelong learner. Improving my poetry skills is and always will be a priority for me. I am currently in a small, focused poetry critique group facilitated by award winning poet, John Sibley Williams. If you are thinking about joining a small group of poets  and truly wish to step up your crafting skills, a group facilitated by john is the way to go. He offers affordable workshops on writing, publishing and crafting poetry, fiction and nonfiction.


I am always looking for opportunities to share  poetry with others. I would love to connect with schools, libraries and organizations who would like to consider me as a guest speaker either in person or virtually on Zoom. I  specialize in speaking to children, adolescents and adults on blindness and advocating for people with disabilities. I have over fifteen years of lived experience using a guide dog and  my knowledge base includes other types of service dogs and the organizations training them. My contact information is or 914.393.6605.

Future plans change but I will share I am working on a new novel which will not be out until late 2025 or 2026.



Until next time, Yins –


Enjoy this poem.



By Ann Chiappetta


Burnished figures on pedestals

Inscribed electroplate

Into households they gather, insidious

Conniving onto shelf and mantle place


They represent childhood paragons

Foster a competitive edge;

Rally spirits when called upon

As we leap and clear the proverbial hedge


They possess our emotions, sentiments

woven into beliefs

A bit of blanket, a toddler’s treasure

Photos that trigger grief


Even in death we cannot escape

Carved markers above bones underneath

Grassy knolls peppered with maudlin

Guardians, trophies the dead bequeath


Yet the living tend the reminders

While the dead are set free

What a breath holds dear

Spirits don’t need.













A burst of Creativity 🌅

| Filed under blindness Fiction nonfiction

Media Release


Contact Ann Chiappetta 914.393.6605


Anthology Includes Local Author


July 17. 2024 Monroeville, PA —   The creative works of local poet and author, Ann Chiappetta,

will be in the newest literary anthology published by Behind Our Eyes, Inc.


Behind Our Eyes 3: A Literary Sunburst is the third literary anthology

by writers with disabilities, who don’t let their disability define

their life. The topics range from memoirs, fiction, and poetry sharing slices of life, speaking to universal themes and common experiences, involving loss and grief, adversity and fear, love and

passion. You’ll be thinking of these stories long after you’ve put the

book down.


Copies of “Behind Our Eyes 3: A Literary Sunburst” edited by Mary-Jo

Lord are available through Barnes&Noble and Amazon.Com. Contact the author, Ann Chiappetta or visit her website:

Visit  Behind Our Eyes to find out more about the organization and how to support their  enriching literary programs for writers with disabilities.

Text of cover image courtesy of Be My AI: The image is the cover of a book titled “Behind Our Eyes 3: A Literary Sunburst.” The subtitle reads, “The Third Literary Anthology of Stories, Poems and Essays by Writers with Disabilities.” The book is edited by Mary-Jo Lord. The background of the cover is gray, and the text is in yellow. Below the text, there is an image of a bright, fiery sunburst, showing intense solar activity with vivid orange and yellow colors.

Text of cover image courtesy of Be My AI: The image is the cover of a book titled “Behind Our Eyes 3: A Literary Sunburst.” The subtitle reads, “The Third Literary Anthology of Stories, Poems and Essays by Writers with Disabilities.” The book is edited by Mary-Jo Lord. The background of the cover is gray, and the text is in yellow. Below the text, there is an image of a bright, fiery sunburst, showing intense solar activity with vivid orange and yellow colors.


Annie Shares News Summer Sweat V3 Issue 7 😎

| Filed under blogging nonfiction writing

‘Annie Shares News Volume 3 Issue 7 July 2024


Hot and steamy summer greetings from East of Pittsburgh.

😎  🌻  🌄

My first announcement is all my books in eBook formats are on sale for the month of July from Smashwords/D2D. That’s right – all my titles will be available as part of a promotion on Smashwords for the month of July as part of their Annual Summer/Winter Sale! This is a chance to get one of my books, along with books from many other great authors, at a discount so you can get right to reading.


The GEMS Press accepted a second poem, How to Fall Asleep for their next anthology, the release is TBA.


The cover of my new novel, Imperfections (below) is competing for cover of the month for July on .


In other news, I’ve been writing blog posts, interviewing interesting people and writing poetry, essays and reading. I am taking a second  generative small group poetry  workshop in August with John Sibley Williams, who is a wonderful and talented instructor. His fees are reasonable and I’ve learned more about the craft of writing and the publishers who invite poets to submit their work.  I am working harder on the quality of my poetry and hope to publish a full-length collection in 2025 thanks to John and his insightful instruction.


Independence Day is being celebrated  on the fourth of July. Being the wife of a Navy veteran,  I want to thank the veterans and active-duty members with a heartfelt virtual hug and Hoo Rah!. Without our Nation’s military we would not be here today.


Speaking of the military, here’s a great book series I picked up from Crash Dive: the complete series books 1-6 by   Craig DiLouie  It was fascinating, suspenseful and based on true stories of submariners who fought in WWII.

Until next time —






by Ann Chiappetta | tags : | 0

The Way of the Cat 😼

| Filed under nonfiction pets and people

The Way of the Cat

How to assemble an end table.

Person one places box on bed.

Person one must push cat off box to open it.

Person one calls person two, the husband, to begin assembling table consisting of a few wood pieces and a few metal upright pieces.

Cat begins chewing plastic bag, person one gathers bags and shoves them inside the shipping box.

Cat begins rubbing, purring and stepping on instructions.

Person two, the husband, tells cat to “Go away,”.

Cat ignores person two and rubs on person one, who is watching person two try to figure out the instructions seemingly written by an alien humanoid species not from this planet.

Cat continues rubbing and being adorable.

Person two, the husband, is becoming frustrated, time for person one to exit the room

Person one entices the cat into office whereupon person one fills kitty crunchies and calls for cat.

Cat appears and begins eating.

Person two, the husband is now fully committed to the table assembly.

Person one is shaking her head, petting the cat who is eating from the dish on the desk, mumbling to herself, saying “I am such a slave,”.

black long haaired kitten, Luna, relaxing on my laptop.

It’s Just a Prick of a Finger, Please sign here 🏡

| Filed under nonfiction writing

It’s Just a Prick of a Finger, Please sign here


Ann Chiappetta, M.S.



It was going to happen, not sure when; we waited for paperwork, online access, more of both until we wanted to scream why did our thirty years of labor and dedication and social security credits seem like it did not matter?


We invested in our future, our property, our nest egg. It did not crack. We held it up, a gilded goose egg birthed with sweat equity. It was a proud moment, being assured we would be able to trade it for a more temperate and quieter climate. We filled the dumpsters with the past, packed our bags with hope, stepped to the curb and trusted the vehicle barreling down the street would stop; we flagged it down, climbed aboard. We flashed our senior passes, panting and massaging our aging and preapproved home buyer mortgage application.  Portable document formats and printers held us hostage. Sign, initial, drip your blood here, swab your cheek and attest to your identity. OMG, will the world disintegrate after we retire to our residence of final destination?


We made it, the golden egg house proof the dream is still achievable. As long as we have food to grow, personal care products and filtered water, we will fade away together, holding hands, serving up reduced sodium meals. We will add chopped micro herbs into the container garden grown vegetables and locally sourced animal flesh. Wine will do . The twilight years, to us, means the years we will enjoy sitting together on the patio of our dreams and absorb the natural and sometimes discordant symphony of  the American Dream.

The picture shows a single-story house with a well-maintained lawn in the foreground. The house has a metal roof with solar panels installed on it. There is a large American flag on a flagpole in the front yard. The house has a combination of brick and siding on the exterior. There is a small patio area with a bench and a potted plant near the entrance. In the background, there are tall trees with green leaves, and the sky is partly cloudy with patches of blue.


Annie Shares News July 2023 newsletter

| Filed under nonfiction novel writing Writing Life

Annie Shares News Volume 2 Issue 7 July 2023 Subscribe


Summer greetings!

🏖️ 🩴 ✈️ 🍹 🧳 🚢

New Projects and New Beginnings

June and July are busy months for me and my family. We take on projects and enjoy long weekends driving to regional fairs, events and picnics. I’ve been an active member of the American Council of the Blind for over twenty years. Our National conference and convention is in July. Since  the pandemic, ACB has incorporated it’s virtual and in-person attendance,  accommodating a hybrid program and schedule. Now that I am invested in and serving as the Friends In Art affiliate President, my time and passion for the arts and FIA  keeps me busy in late June with the virtual program as well as attending some of the hybrid events. I wanted to attend the in-person portion of the conference taking place in Schaumburg, Illinois but circumstances have kept me from doing so. Positive circumstances, like house hunting and finishing my second novel. 😊


July is Read an eBook month.

All my Books are On Sale DURING JULY

Now is your best chance to find my entire eBook collection for a promotional price at @Smashwords as part of their Annual Summer/Winter Sale! Find my books and many more at all months! #SWSale2023 #Smashwords



I support learning something new each year post-retirement. Last year it was Zoom and all its bells and whistles.  In 2021 it was  learning how a two-channel USB connector and studio microphone and headphones worked with my pc and crafting a portable noise damper. Yes, folks, I used a twin sized sheet, 12 x 12 foam tiles and plenty of safety pins to  make a tent. And, no, I am not taking pictures. It is too embarrassing. It works when needed, that is all I will tell you .

This year I am learning how to use a digital audio workstation, or DAW, called Gold wave. I am working on recording my next poetry collection myself. 😉

The novel? Imperfections is in final rewrite mode. It comes in under 300 pages and is a romance.  But it is  more than a romance; it is a great story about  love, hope and healing. It’s not too late to be a beta reader. Email me at if you would like to read an advanced copy and provide answers to six targeted questions.  Once you return your answers, I will compensate you with a copy of the book.


My guide dog, Bailey, has recovered from his surgery and  is healthy.  He is still working part-time for me, enjoying  road trips and attending presentations. I am blessed with the gift of independence in the form

of a great dog. Bailey will retire soon but indicates he still wants to work, so we  will continue, being mindful of his condition.


I was featured in an article discussing the digital divide for people with disabilities. Go here to read it.


The energy I’ve absorbed  from the recent summer solstice  fills me  with exciting plans. Relocating  to another State  is happening soon as well as  decluttering our current home in advance of the move.


May warm breezes and pleasant experiences be with you.

Until next time,

Annie and Bailey

Annie and yellow lab Bailey licking her face

Bailey licking Ann’s face







NPM day five

| Filed under nonfiction Poem

The Ride

To Pepsi, the best horse I ever rode.

By Ann Chiappetta

forge the stream On docile

chestnut Appaloosa. Hooves

splash and click on  submerged stones

this is big country air crisp and wild

A split trail. Guide points

“Mountain lion won’t look for you there. You got two hours, follow the stream to get back,”


Horse and rider   brush Past weeping willows and wildflowers.

A light shake of reins, a tap of heels

Trot, canter, galloping

horse jumps. clears mud puddle

rider  flies,

lands with a wet plop

on back, breathless

warm breath,  big nose nuzzles face

mud splattered Eyes open

soft  equine gaze says,

“Hey, let’s finish the ride,”


Lake Tahoe, Nevada September  1980


by Ann Chiappetta | tags : | 0

A Poem for Country Living

| Filed under blogging nonfiction pets and people Poem


By Ann Chiappetta


My City Dogs become Porch mongrels

Laying  beside the mason jar of sun tea

The basso drone of a honey bee

The snap of a Jay’s call

The aroma of a grill

A whisking breeze   bestows relief


It is a call to prayer


Soon  we  will rise

Shake free of the   delightful

porch-dog torpor

trade  the carefree for the city

But for now  we are  country hounds.



view of field from back of vacation house, mountain can be seen  from a distance through the trees.




May the Bone Hoarder Chronicles

| Filed under nonfiction Relationships

It was a stressful day. I visited my dentist and underwent an extraction, one of many in preparation for implants. It wasn’t as horrible as anticipated, though I will admit I do get anxious whenever my trusted dental expert schedules to remove something I’ve grown up with and have learned to depend upon like a front tooth.   Needless to say today   some comedic relief would have been wonderful, and with this in mind, here’s the story:


I was going back to the kitchen to refill my drink with ice and Jerry was preparing dinner. He turned to me, then looked down and exclaimed,

“Hey, where’s the other ear of corn?” and before I could say anything, he bolted past me and found the stolen item beside another bone on the dog bed in the living room. May was not owning up to it, and) conspicuously nowhere near the crime. She is not only a bone hoarder but also a corn-on-the-cob thief. We’ve caught her before, and one time, it took her three days to finally poop out the cob.


I could not hold back and burst out and laughed the gut-busting kind of laugh, complete with tears and belly cramps, followed by giggles and more laughing.


May and my hubby gave me the best gift, stress relief!

May on dog bed with bones beside her.This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative. May the dog on her bed with her bones




by Ann Chiappetta | tags : | 0