Thought Wheel

Ann Chiappetta

Celebrating National Guide Dog Month

| Filed under blindness Guide dogs Poem writing

Hi all,
Below is a link to the ACB Voices blog. My audio and text of the poem titled “Verona” was featured today in celebration of National Guide Dog Month. Please visit and share the post with other guide and service dog handlers, friends, family and dog lovers.
Hi Annie, Thank you so much for submitting this poem, it is beautiful and the audio is such a nice touch. We posted this to the ACB Voices blog, which you can access through this link: Vinterviewveronaacbvoiceseronaacbvoices

Black lab with snow sprinkled on the nose

Black lab Verona with snow on her nose

An Evening of Poetry Reminder and Special Extra

| Filed under Poem writing Writing Life

Hi readers and Listeners,
If you are reading this, it’s not too late to be sent the link joining me for an evening of poetry on Zoom. Just email me at to receive the link for Thursday
‘s presentation at 7 p.m.
The link will be sent soon, so don’t delay. Until then, enjoy a special treat from me in both email and audio.

Dill and Brine
By Ann Chiappetta

Green and curved, bumps
diminutive gherkin cornichons
curved Kirby’s
Aromas bewitch salivatory glands
Jarred in glass
Brine Of herbs and salt vinegar.
Infused Tantalizing tartness
Wicked on the tongue
Olfactory humming with anticipation, the crunch
The layered satisfaction
Of Perfection.


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