Thought Wheel

Ann Chiappetta

A burst of Creativity 🌅

| Filed under blindness Fiction nonfiction

Media Release


Contact Ann Chiappetta 914.393.6605


Anthology Includes Local Author


July 17. 2024 Monroeville, PA —   The creative works of local poet and author, Ann Chiappetta,

will be in the newest literary anthology published by Behind Our Eyes, Inc.


Behind Our Eyes 3: A Literary Sunburst is the third literary anthology

by writers with disabilities, who don’t let their disability define

their life. The topics range from memoirs, fiction, and poetry sharing slices of life, speaking to universal themes and common experiences, involving loss and grief, adversity and fear, love and

passion. You’ll be thinking of these stories long after you’ve put the

book down.


Copies of “Behind Our Eyes 3: A Literary Sunburst” edited by Mary-Jo

Lord are available through Barnes&Noble and Amazon.Com. Contact the author, Ann Chiappetta or visit her website:

Visit  Behind Our Eyes to find out more about the organization and how to support their  enriching literary programs for writers with disabilities.

Text of cover image courtesy of Be My AI: The image is the cover of a book titled “Behind Our Eyes 3: A Literary Sunburst.” The subtitle reads, “The Third Literary Anthology of Stories, Poems and Essays by Writers with Disabilities.” The book is edited by Mary-Jo Lord. The background of the cover is gray, and the text is in yellow. Below the text, there is an image of a bright, fiery sunburst, showing intense solar activity with vivid orange and yellow colors.

Text of cover image courtesy of Be My AI: The image is the cover of a book titled “Behind Our Eyes 3: A Literary Sunburst.” The subtitle reads, “The Third Literary Anthology of Stories, Poems and Essays by Writers with Disabilities.” The book is edited by Mary-Jo Lord. The background of the cover is gray, and the text is in yellow. Below the text, there is an image of a bright, fiery sunburst, showing intense solar activity with vivid orange and yellow colors.


Annie Shares News Summer Sweat V3 Issue 7 😎

| Filed under blogging nonfiction writing

‘Annie Shares News Volume 3 Issue 7 July 2024


Hot and steamy summer greetings from East of Pittsburgh.

😎  🌻  🌄

My first announcement is all my books in eBook formats are on sale for the month of July from Smashwords/D2D. That’s right – all my titles will be available as part of a promotion on Smashwords for the month of July as part of their Annual Summer/Winter Sale! This is a chance to get one of my books, along with books from many other great authors, at a discount so you can get right to reading.


The GEMS Press accepted a second poem, How to Fall Asleep for their next anthology, the release is TBA.


The cover of my new novel, Imperfections (below) is competing for cover of the month for July on .


In other news, I’ve been writing blog posts, interviewing interesting people and writing poetry, essays and reading. I am taking a second  generative small group poetry  workshop in August with John Sibley Williams, who is a wonderful and talented instructor. His fees are reasonable and I’ve learned more about the craft of writing and the publishers who invite poets to submit their work.  I am working harder on the quality of my poetry and hope to publish a full-length collection in 2025 thanks to John and his insightful instruction.


Independence Day is being celebrated  on the fourth of July. Being the wife of a Navy veteran,  I want to thank the veterans and active-duty members with a heartfelt virtual hug and Hoo Rah!. Without our Nation’s military we would not be here today.


Speaking of the military, here’s a great book series I picked up from Crash Dive: the complete series books 1-6 by   Craig DiLouie  It was fascinating, suspenseful and based on true stories of submariners who fought in WWII.

Until next time —






by Ann Chiappetta | tags : | 0

Braided Love 5 Star Book Review

| Filed under Fiction novel writing Relationships reviews

Book Review

Braided Love

Author Jo Elizabeth Pinto © 2023

Genre: Contemporary/YA fiction

Available in print and eBook formats from Amazon/Kindel/D2D and other eBook sellers


By Ann Chiappetta


From the book jacket


Summer on the ranch seems safe and predictable for Brenda. All she has on her mind are trips into town with Nick Haynes and the horsehair rope she’s braiding so she can start training her Morgan colt, Tenacity. Then Cathy arrives from the city with a troubled past and an uncertain future. As Cathy adjusts to life in the country, both girls begin to figure out what family bonds really mean to them in a world that isn’t as simple as it appears.


Jo Elizabeth Pinto is the kind of writer who knows her craft. Her stories and characters grab you and don’t let go. You will be thinking about this story months after reading it.


I am fortunate to have interviewed Jo; her soft-spoken voice and humble attitude are charming qualities but it is her passion about telling a good story and showing readers what it means to be human I find most intriguing.


Jo writes characters who aren’t perfect. Most are broken and scarred yet jo E. Pinto weaves in hope and healing.


Let’s not forget about the conflicts presented in this family story.


Brenda and Cathy’s instant dislike of one another might seem typical girl drama but when one goes deeper into the story, the onion is peeled and the reader is drawn into situations and emotions much deeper than superficial girl stuff. The adults presented in this book are also facing conflict and I found the author’s skills in introducing them into the story masterful. The family’s constellation of surviving pain is balanced by love. Romantic love, filial love. Binding friendships are woven into this wonderful, memorable story of keeping what is important and cherished within a family and among friends.


I would recommend this book to young adults and general readers and anyone interested in family-related subjects involving adoption and foster care and children with disabilities.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Stars




It’s Just a Prick of a Finger, Please sign here 🏡

| Filed under nonfiction writing

It’s Just a Prick of a Finger, Please sign here


Ann Chiappetta, M.S.



It was going to happen, not sure when; we waited for paperwork, online access, more of both until we wanted to scream why did our thirty years of labor and dedication and social security credits seem like it did not matter?


We invested in our future, our property, our nest egg. It did not crack. We held it up, a gilded goose egg birthed with sweat equity. It was a proud moment, being assured we would be able to trade it for a more temperate and quieter climate. We filled the dumpsters with the past, packed our bags with hope, stepped to the curb and trusted the vehicle barreling down the street would stop; we flagged it down, climbed aboard. We flashed our senior passes, panting and massaging our aging and preapproved home buyer mortgage application.  Portable document formats and printers held us hostage. Sign, initial, drip your blood here, swab your cheek and attest to your identity. OMG, will the world disintegrate after we retire to our residence of final destination?


We made it, the golden egg house proof the dream is still achievable. As long as we have food to grow, personal care products and filtered water, we will fade away together, holding hands, serving up reduced sodium meals. We will add chopped micro herbs into the container garden grown vegetables and locally sourced animal flesh. Wine will do . The twilight years, to us, means the years we will enjoy sitting together on the patio of our dreams and absorb the natural and sometimes discordant symphony of  the American Dream.

The picture shows a single-story house with a well-maintained lawn in the foreground. The house has a metal roof with solar panels installed on it. There is a large American flag on a flagpole in the front yard. The house has a combination of brick and siding on the exterior. There is a small patio area with a bench and a potted plant near the entrance. In the background, there are tall trees with green leaves, and the sky is partly cloudy with patches of blue.


Imperfections Blog Tour Stops 📔

| Filed under blogging Fiction novel writing


Blog  tour dates and links

Thanks to Goddess fishPromotions  and Marianne Judy and all the bloggers mentioned here and, of course all the people who posted comments and reviews.






Westveil Publishing

Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read

Hope. Dreams. Life… Love

Long and Short Reviews

Literary Gold

Fabulous and Brunette


The Pen and Muse Book Reviews


The Avid Reader


Lisa Haselton’s Reviews and Interviews


The Faerie Review


Our Town Book Reviews

A Wonderful World of Words


Gina Rae Mitchell


Sandra’s Book Club



tour banner



New on

| Filed under Fiction novel writing

Hope for the Tarnished

© 2022 By Ann Chiappetta

You don’t choose who you love, it just happens.

Follow young Abbie Raymond as she traverses concentric rings of tragedy, hope and healing.

Listen now  on Narrated by Lilian Yves and Vincent Lee Gracen

Amazon in print Hard and soft cover ` Kindle ` eBook` Smashwords

What Readers are Saying

“It kept my interest and I cared about the characters.  I liked the mixture of problems and people who supported Abbie.  It also had a good blend of drama and rest between troubles …”From Lisa B.


It’s excellent. I couldn’t stop reading it.”


Link to full review:


From Trish Hubschman

Author of the Tracy Gayle mystery series


Add my book to your reading list

Good Reads:

And Smashwords


A couple walking on the beach at sunset. They are silhouetted
 by the brilliant colors  reflected on the water.

Remembering Bailey a poem for NPM

| Filed under blindness Guide dogs Poem

Your Name

Ann Chiappetta


Bathing my life in slobbery joy you

Accepted me unconditionally

If only love could  sustain you and

Let you live forever

Everyone knows a dog named Bailey

Yellow Labrador guiding  my heart

and memories.


For Guiding Eyes Bailey 1BB13 April 2013-March 2024.


Yellow lab Bailey lick's Annie's face. She is laughing.Annie and yellow lab Bailey licking her face

dreaming of a Dog

| Filed under blindness Guide dogs Poem

Double Dreams of My dog

Ann Chiappetta



Dreamt of

My dog’s escape

The door was open

Heartsick I panicked

Searched, begged


for his

return. I watched

all those I   lost

drive off with Mom

Bailey Bailey Bailey

I called


But then

Someone called,  urgently

I have


My hand

Touches the leather

this collar  familiar but

Not my dog

Could this


Dog Be

my future partner

or is it merely

a wishful


Yellow lab Bailey one year old standing at the shor in Maine. Photo taken by his puppy raiser. Bailey died March 16, 2024, he was ten. We miss you buddy.

Yellow lab bailey posed with blue skies and clouds in the background. 





Annie Shares News Spring has sprung! 🌸`

| Filed under writing


Annie Shares News volume 3 Issue 4 April 2024





A sweeping view of the Golden Gate bridge at daytime, the bay spread out below it and the top of its towers bathed in fog. The title is across the top and the author's name is across the bottom.🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸


Spring is in the air, folks! Our neighbor’s cherry blossom tree is in full bloom despite the irregular weather.  Our yard is blessed with dozens of songbirds, rabbits and a few squirrels. The evenings are entertaining, often filled with the haunting of competing hooting owls.  It’s nature’s musical score and we love it.


Goodness, do I have plenty to share, from poetry to novels.

Did you know it’s National Poetry Month?

I will be reading my poem, Riding the Subway for the release of the Western Pennsylvania BARD poets  anthology. I plan to record it and hope to share the performance for my May 2024 newsletter.


My poem, Where the Heart Lives won third place in the Oprelle poetry anthology, the release is yet to be announced.


My first novel, Hope for the Tarnished, is currently in the audio recording studio and should be ready for purchase on Audible in June.


My second novel, Imperfections, released last month, is doing well. The book launch was also in March, here is the link to listen:


Please support Indie authors like me, we love your interest in our books and other types of art.   Sharing this newsletter with someone could mean a reading, writing or appearance to promote my books. 😉

Until next time!



by Ann Chiappetta | tags : | 0