Hello loved ones, colleagues and friends,
Please support my leadership efforts serving as a Graduate Council member for Guiding Eyes for the Blind by making a donation of $20 or more on my behalf. The Graduate Council volunteers by performing follow up interviews and graduate support for new guide dog teams.
Due to the less than lucrative economic climate, I am asking for assistance so I will be able to participate in our annual Graduate Council weekend in October .
During the weekend, we will be participating in team building, meet with other key Guiding Eyes staff members and the Canine Development Center, and much more.
Most importantly, It is a chance for us to once again be with our Guiding Eyes family and for Guiding eyes staff to reunite with the graduates and the dogs provided to us free of charge. Your donation will help offset the cost of transportation and other costs associated with providing the 9 member Council with meals and lodging.
Thank you for supporting Guiding Eyes and the pride and independence it gives to its graduates by teaming us up with these canine partners.
*** All donations must be received by September 15, 2012. ***
Thank you very much
Annie & Guiding Eyes Verona
Begin donation instructions:
Go to: www.guidingeyes.org/donate
Enter your gift amount.
Under “Special Gift Opportunities” – select “Graduate Council.”
Under “Memorial and Tribute Gift Information”
1-Select “Yes” this is a memorial or tribute gift
2- Under “Honor Gift Type” select In Honor of
3-Enter Graduate Council Member name under Honoree Name Ann Chiappetta
4-Under “Is this gift in memory/honor of a Guiding Eyes Graduate” check yes
Thank you. Your gift will help me to do more work for a mission I care so much about.
Ann Chiappetta M.S. and Verona
Guiding Eyes Grad Council
Twitter: Anniedungarees
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