Thought Wheel

Ann Chiappetta

The Lost Homonym

| Filed under writing Writing Life

👚 Six Sentence Story



Where is my underwear? Folded neat and clean only a moment ago, gone like the unmatched socks lost in the great beyond.  The brassiere and shirt and even the socks are present, along with the pants but the bloomers have disappeared. I decide not to call for bloomer back-up, instead I find a spare to wear, dress and   reach for my shoes. fingers brush against familiar lace and Lycra and I smile, feeling less like a doddering fool. Now, I wonder, how did the darn undies get over there?


Thanks to Abbie Johnson Taylor and Behind Our Eyes  for  weekly prompts like this one to keep us writing. 😊



Life is a Grand (Writing) Adventure

| Filed under blindness writing Writing Life

♓ ✨ 🔯

I read my daily horoscope. It waits in my inbox until the right time. Sometimes it is a day late, providing insights into  things that already happened, other days it’s right on the money.  Today is  an accurate horoscope day.


Since semi-retiring at age fifty-something, I’ve picked up a few contract jobs but none in the field where my true passion lay: writing and creating content for blogging and podcasts. I am hoping my horoscope and a new opportunity will assist me in shifting   focus and a new adventure will include my passion with a salary, too.


I’m on a grand adventure

Full of words and sounds

Together Heart and mind  smile

photo description of Ann's personal logo of green dragon floating amid books and musical notes.

Ann’s personal logo



Why I Like the Word Tweak

| Filed under nonfiction writing Writing Life

Why I Like the Word Tweak


Hey there readers-

I left you all in limbo with a post stating I was moving my blog over to my website and I am happy to announce it is now completed.   This is what I refer to as a tweak. As an informal verb  definition, among other terms, it means to make an improvement to a system. Thank-you Siri, for the information. 😊  You all will still receive the blog updates, too.


Stay tuned for more now that thought-wheel has settled into it’s new home on the interwebs.  💻

And, as the announcer once said on the old-fashioned TV broadcasts, “and now back to  the show.” 📺


Technology Love Story

| Filed under nonfiction recovering the self Writing Life


I am a beautiful nerd. I love my technology, drool over new gadgets and would have two computers if I could afford it. Well, I do own an iPad, that counts at least a little bit, right? I call my laptop Skywalker because it’s powerful and insightful, thanks to Windows 10. Yes, it does outthink me sometimes, too, maybe I should have named it R2D2 instead.


In late 2018 I upgraded to a new iPhone XR and admittedly grieved for the lost home button and fingerprint lock. The face I.D security features and gestures at first made me want to crunch the darned thing under the heel of my slipper but working from home softened my attitude and feet.

Here is a little poem about it.

On the Tip of a Finger

By Ann Chiappetta



Flick up.

Flick down.

Double tap.

use a digit

drag it around.


press side button;

“Hello Siri” — why doesn’t she talk?

Slide and lift

Thumbs are best   to text.

Swipe up with index finger

Double tap to select.

Tippity-tap tap

Doink doink doink

Try middle finger gesture instead.


Spell Onomatopoeia

  • NOT ammonia —


Swish, swoosh blunk


Dexterity demands flanges

To execute a pinch or scrub.


“Hi Siri,”


I didn’t say that


Slide and lift

Thumbs are best   to text.

Swipe up with index finger

Double tap to select.

photo description of Ann's personal logo of green dragon floating amid books and musical notes.

Ann’s personal logo



Thanks NFAA

| Filed under Fiction nonfiction writing Writing Life

I’ve been a member of NFAA for two years. Having benefitted from being part of a supportive community that includes great publishing info, I thought I’ share. Take a read at how they’ve helped me with a book even though it’s not nonfiction.

Author Interview: Ann Chiappetta, Author of A String of Stories From the Heart to the Future

Joan is Sweetness

| Filed under blindness Poem writing Writing Life

Readers, one of the best things about writing is making connections. Getting to know other writers and follow them through the creative process is fascinating, too.
One writer I admire is Joan Miles. Visit Joan’s blog and after reading the post, click over to to buy her new book.

A Book Review with Meaning

| Filed under Poem Relationships writing Writing Life

Earlier this year, prior to Covid 19, I asked Julia to review my book. I’d been disappointed by the lack of responses to review my third book, Words of Life: Poems and Essays. I needed an infusion as well as some insight as to why this book, in particular did not sell like I thought it should. I felt that Julia could deliver and she did, 😊

Julia came through for me. She provided honest and understandable statements. Below is a note I sent to her, sharing it symbolizes that not all an author’s work is dipped in gold. It takes years of practice, stacks of rejections in your inbox, and the strength to plow through the self-doubt and barriers to reach one’s creative goals. What I learned from Julia is to be open to the feedback of other writers, what may seem like criticism could be a diamond in the ruff.

Read on and after reading, take a look at Julia’s own publications. 😊

HI Julia,
I wanted to thank you again for reviewing my book. You gave me some important points to ponder and I appreciate them very much… Since publishing my books I felt the hardest part of it was organizing the content in a manner that made sense. I wanted to let you know that mentioning it in your review got to me, but then it made me more aware of what I can improve for my next book. Your review provided insight into what I can work on as a writer and this is much appreciated.
Julia’s review:

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An Evening of Poetry Reminder and Special Extra

| Filed under Poem writing Writing Life

Hi readers and Listeners,
If you are reading this, it’s not too late to be sent the link joining me for an evening of poetry on Zoom. Just email me at to receive the link for Thursday
‘s presentation at 7 p.m.
The link will be sent soon, so don’t delay. Until then, enjoy a special treat from me in both email and audio.

Dill and Brine
By Ann Chiappetta

Green and curved, bumps
diminutive gherkin cornichons
curved Kirby’s
Aromas bewitch salivatory glands
Jarred in glass
Brine Of herbs and salt vinegar.
Infused Tantalizing tartness
Wicked on the tongue
Olfactory humming with anticipation, the crunch
The layered satisfaction
Of Perfection.


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An Evening of Poetry

| Filed under Poem writing Writing Life

Listen to audio message

Hi, I’m poet and author Ann Chiappetta. I’m hoping you can join me for an evening of poetry on September 10 at 7 p.m. via zoom. I’ll be reading selections of my collections Upwelling and Words of Life.

Contact me at or reply to this post if you are interested in joining me.
You can learn about my books and other writing-related information by going to
Or by subscribing to my blog,
I look forward to hearing from you.
Stay well and stay creative.

Music provided by TeknoAxe pursuant to the creative commons attribution license.
This and other music created by TeknoAxe can be found at

white daisies on black background bordered in red phot by C. Romanek

by Ann Chiappetta | tags : | 1